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Nuclear energy policy to be discussed at AtomExpo Belarus 2014

The government policy in the field of nuclear energy and nuclear safety in Belarus will be in the spotlight of the 6th international exhibition and conference AtomExpo Belarus 2014 that will be held in Minsk on 1-3 April.

Belarus is consistently implementing its nuclear energy policy and seeks to construct the most advanced nuclear power plant in terms of safety and reliability. The country is elaborating and improving the laws regulating the construction and operation of nuclear energy facilities, record-keeping of nuclear materials, nuclear security, personnel training and research in nuclear energy.

The nuclear industry suppliers conference Atomex Belarus will be held during the expo for the first time. Atomex Belarus will be a communication platform for suppliers and customers who will discuss the construction, equipment supplies and the use of new technologies in the construction of the Belarusian nuclear power plant. It will give Belarusian and foreign suppliers an opportunity to forge business ties with representatives of OAO NIAEP – ZAO Atomstroyexport (ASE) and the Belarusian nuclear plant.

The participants of the conference will take part in a plenary session and thematic sections to discuss the latest in nuclear technologies as well as theoretical and practical aspects of the nuclear energy industry development.

Booths will be arranged by the Russian state corporation Rosatom, the Energy Ministry of Belarus, the National Academy of Sciences, Gosatomnadzor and a number of companies - existing or potential suppliers for the Belarusian NPP.

The forum is organized upon the initiative of the Energy Ministry of Belarus and with the support of AtomExpo.