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Nuclear power development in spotlight at Atomexpo Belarus 2015


Matters concerning the development of nuclear power industry will be discussed during the 7th international expo and conference Atomexpo Belarus 2015 that will take place in Minsk on 22-24 April, BelTA learned from the press service of OOO Atomexpo, the company in charge of organizing the event.

The expo and conference Atomexpo Belarus 2015 will focus on demonstrating the latest technologies used to design, build, operate, and secure nuclear power plants. The forum will also highlight ways to ensure effective deliveries of equipment for building nuclear power plants. The development of non-energy uses of nuclear energy will also be discussed.

The business program of the international conference will begin with a plenary session, taking part in which will be heads of Russian and Belarusian enterprises, representatives of government agencies. During the conference panel sessions will be held to discuss the construction of the Belarusian nuclear power plant, the creation of nuclear infrastructure, the public acceptance of nuclear energy, non-energy uses of nuclear energy, devices and equipment used in the construction of nuclear power plants.

As part of the forum a specialized expo of Russian and Belarusian enterprises that make products and provide services for the nuclear energy industry will take place. Taking part in the expo will be TVEL, Belnipienergoprom, Atomenergomash, VNIIEM Corporation, Belaruskabel, FGUP GKhK, Rosenergoatom, Energomashspetsstal, Atomtex and other companies.

The international expo and conference Atomexpo Belarus 2015 has been organized upon the initiative of the Belarusian Energy Ministry with assistance of the Russian state corporation Rosatom. Mass media representatives will have to pass the accreditation procedure via the website or by emailing the application to