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Nuclear safety information center to be opened in Minsk in 2013


A nuclear safety information center will be opened in Minsk in 2013, BelTA learnt from Rosatom State Corporation.

Nuclear safety information centers are modern high-technology complexes that combine panoramic 3D projection, computer graphics and animation, stereo sound, interactive consoles and personal monitors. The major objective of such centers is to provide the population with information in nuclear power industry, popularize science and profile education.

“Centers provide educational programs on nuclear power, radiation and radioactivity nature, innovation nuclear technologies. Such centers provide the population with reliable and full information on nuclear safety, radiation technology, high-technology projects in science, medicine and space,” Rosatom stressed.

Apart from Minsk, Rosatom plans to open a nuclear safety information center in Dhaka, Bangladesh this year. Today the network of nuclear safety information centers comprises 19 centers, with 17 of them operating in Russia. In December 2012 first foreign nuclear safety information centers were opened in Hanoi (Vietnam) and Mersin (Turkey).

Over the four years of their operation, nuclear safety information centers were visited by over 700,000 people, the bulk of them are schoolers and students. According to opinion surveys, upwards 80% of the visitors changed their attitude to nuclear power to the better, over 60% saw reliability of security systems in modern NPP design projects.
Tags: atomRussiatechnologies