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Petrol prices in Belarus up 4.7%

Belarus revised its transfer and retail prices for oil products on 13 January, BelTA learnt from Belneftekhim Concern.

“On average, retail prices for petrol and diesel fuel at national forecourts went up by 4.7%,” the concern said. Thus, prices per 1 liter are: diesel (K5) – Br12300, Ai-95-K5 – Br11900, Ai-92-K5 –Br11100.

A new method for calculating retail prices for automobile fuel was introduced in September 2014. Ai-92-K5-Euro was chosen as an indicator, which price per 1 liter was tagged to the exchange rate of the US dollar.

“Prices for oil products have been adjusted so as to partially make up for the growing exchange rate of the US dollar against the Belarusian currency,” specialists noted. The prices have also been revised due to the increasing cost of the Russian oil for the Belarusian oil refineries as Russia’s tax maneuver entered force on 1 January 2015, the press service added.

The current increase in prices for motor fuel is first this year. Last time retail prices for oil products were revised upwards on 1 October. They rose by 4.8% on average. All in all, fuel costs increased four times in 2014.
Tags: fuel