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Poland plans to build several NPPs by 2033

Poland’s energy strategy envisages the construction of several nuclear power plants by 2033, the German TV and Radio Company Deutsche Welle informs.

The Polish Energy Policy until 2040 (PEP2040) was presented several days ahead of the UN Climate Conference. According to the document, the first Polish nuclear power plant can be built in Zarnowiec or Kopalino, to the north-west of Gdansk.

The NPP construction projects were prepared under the previous government. However, they were not implemented due to financial reasons and difficulties in addressing the nuclear waste storage issue. The current Polish government has not yet given the final approval of the plans to build nuclear power plants, the Polish news agency PAP said.

According to the German newspaper Markische Oderzeitung, nuclear power plants as well as the use of wind and solar energy will help Poland reduce its carbon dioxide emissions. Today, 80% of electricity in Poland is produced from coal, while the projects to upgrade the obsolete power plants have been moving very slowl, which negatively affects the environmental situation in the country.

The annual UN Climate Conference will begin its work in Katowice, Poland on 2 December. Participants are expected to discuss the issues related to the financing of measures to implement the Paris Climate Agreement of 2015. The event will gather almost 30,000 delegates from around the world, including heads of government and ministers responsible for environmental and climate issues.