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Positive dynamics in Belarus-Russia cooperation in petrochemical industry

There is positive dynamics in Belarus-Russia interaction in the petrochemical industry. The opinion was voiced by Igor Lyashenko, Chairman of the Belarusian state petrochemical concern Belneftekhim, on 28 July when asked by BelTA about Belarus-Russia cooperation.

“Work with Russia is intense: Russia accounts for 60% of Belneftekhim’s export. We cooperate in purchasing raw materials and in selling our products. The dynamics is positive. We count on successful cooperation in the future,” he said.

The head of the concern remarked that in H1 2014 Belneftekhim secured positive changes regarding all the assigned targets. “Accomplishing this year’s tasks is what we aim for. With this goal in mind we will tightly cooperate with labor collectives, helping as much as we can as is the tradition, and naturally we count on support of allied ministries. It is generally acknowledged that in difficult times it is possible to secure good performance only together,” said Igor Lyashenko. Yet he remarked that a lot depended on oil prices and the state of affairs on the global market.

According to Belneftekhim Press Secretary Marina Kostyuchenko, in H1 2014 Belneftekhim’s enterprises operated at a profit. The profitability of sales in the production sector (enterprises with the state share in the charter fund of at least 50% and more) reached 13.6%.

According to the available operational data, merchandise export totaled 99% as against H1 2013 despite unfavorable trends on the petrochemical products market. “However, in Q2 2014 positive dynamics in export sales was secured. The growth rate of merchandise export is expected to reach 105% as against the same period of last year,” said Marina Kostyuchenko. Belneftekhim managed to achieve that by diversifying export and exporting more to premium foreign markets, she explained.

In H1 2014 fixed-capital investments in Belneftekhim exceeded Br8 trillion. Over Br3.1 trillion was spent on implementing the most important projects. As many as 178 facilities were commissioned, with 218 facilities under construction.