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RCF outlines priorities for supporting Belarus’ nuclear program

The Regulatory Cooperation Forum (RCF) mapped out the priorities for support to Belarus’ nuclear power program. These matters were high on the agenda of the visit of the RCF delegation to Belarus, BelTA learned from the Communications and Public Information Department at the Nuclear and Radiation Safety Department of the Belarusian Emergencies Ministry (Gosatomnadzor).

The working meeting hosted by Gosatomnadzor discussed the development of regulatory infrastructure in Belarus as part of the first nuclear energy program, the areas and priorities of the RCF support to the Belarusian regulatory body.

Head of Gosatomnadzor Olga Lugovskaya thanked the RCF for the constant attention to the Belarusian regulatory body, noted the success of the organization's activities in Belarus. RCF Chairman Mr Jean-Luc Lachaume stressed that such attention to the country is not accidental. Of all recipients of the RCF support it is Belarus who is in the active phase of the nuclear power plant construction while other countries are only preparing for this.

The Belarusian side also briefed the RCF delegation on the progress in the development of nuclear regulatory infrastructure in Belarus. The RCF representatives spoke about the current activities of the RCF to enhance and coordinate support. The parties discussed the ways of increasing the effectiveness, efficiency and coordination of support to Gosatomnadzor, identified promising activities for updating the RCF plan of action for Belarus.

The Regulatory Cooperation Forum was established in 2010 in response to the request of the IAEA member states toe establish an organization that would improve the coordination of assistance provided by countries with developed nuclear power engineering to countries that are starting their nuclear programs. Today the RCF has 26 members. Belarus joined the RCF in 2012 and is one of the recipients of support along with Vietnam, Jordan and Poland.