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Reconstruction of Minsk cogeneration plant No. 3 to begin in 2016

Plans have been made to start reconstructing Minsk cogeneration plant No. 3 in 2016, BelTA learned from Viktor Dulinets, director of the enterprise, during the media tour arranged for Belarusian and Russian reporters to highlight Belarus-Russia interaction in the field of power engineering, on 5 August.

Viktor Dulinets said that proposals for turn-key reconstruction of the cogeneration plant will be evaluated in September. Proposals of several large companies, including Russian ones, will be looked into. Some equipment will be replaced with more effective equipment during the reconstruction, said the executive.

Thus, this year Minsk cogeneration plant No. 3 will have to choose the contractor for turn-key reconstruction of the facility. Designing and actual construction will begin in early 2016.

The previous major upgrade of Minsk cogeneration plant No. 3 was carried out in 2006-2009.

Minsk cogeneration plant No. 3 was commissioned in 1951. It is one of the largest cogeneration plants in the Belarusian power grid. The cogeneration plant follows the central heating workload scheme and offers heating to the industrial district of Minsk and the social sphere, including part of the city’s center. All in all, Minsk cogeneration plant No. 3 caters to about 20% of the consumers in the city. The number includes MAZ, MTZ, Minsk Bearing Plant, and Minsk Wheel Tractor Plant. The cogeneration plant uses a complicated heat-pipe system, equipment relying on steam with different parameters, and crosslinks.