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Record high amount of electricity generated by nuclear reactors in 2018

“For me the top three events in the nuclear industry this year include the continued construction and commissioning of new power-generating units of Russian nuclear power plants – the fourth unit at the Rostov nuclear power plant and the first one at the second Leningrad nuclear power plant. The second top event is cooperation with Turkey and agreements on peaceful uses of nuclear energy at the level of the presidents. It is very important in terms of the volume of investments and political significance. More important than agreements with Uzbekistan and contracts with China, in my opinion. The third top event is the national healthcare project, as part of which Rosatom will build up a network of nuclear medicine centers, develop the production of radiation-based preparations, and supply modern equipment for diagnosing and treating oncological diseases. I’ve singled it out in advance. It is a promising topic of national importance, which fruits will be important for us in the future,” BelTA learned from Sergei Pikin, head of the Energy Development Fund.

The expert believes that cooperation with Uzbekistan in peaceful uses of nuclear energy indicates that Rosatom continues expanding target markets while staying on friendly terms with old partners – China and Turkey. “A potentially fruitful topic for Rosatom is the role of the national operator in charge of handling class 1 and class 2 hazardous waste. Once its implementation begins, it may become topic No.1,” noted Sergei Pikin.

The expert also mentioned the nuclear-powered icebreaker fleet. “Nothing has been built for the nuclear icebreaker fleet for a long time, this is why dock trials of the Arktika are an excellent piece of news. The president and the head of government backed proposals to continue working on the nuclear icebreaker Lider. Apart from that, the lineup of universal nuclear icebreakers will be expanded up to five,” the expert said.

Sergei Pikin noted that the healthcare project is important for Rosatom from the point of view of diversifying its business. A network of nuclear medicine centers will be developed as part of the project and more than that. Besides, another record high amount of electricity has been generated this year. This year is also remarkable due to the reactor startup and the power startup of the floating nuclear power plant.