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Rosatom among top 10 employers in 2016 FutureToday’s ranking

Rosatom has been listed among top 10 most attractive employers for university graduates in 2016 in a ranking compiled by FutureToday, the leading Russian provider of graduate recruitment services, BelTA learned from Rosatom’s Communications Department. The atomic energy corporation shared 8th and 9th positions with Microsoft in the 2016 edition of the most attractive employers ranking, and 6th and 7th places with KPMG in the respective audience segments.

For the first time, the ranking was drawn up using a new method that involved surveying the career expectations of the graduates of the universities that are a top choice for the biggest Russian and international employers. The questionnaire and the survey procedure were designed by a supervisory board comprised of 40 leading Russian and international employers. The survey was conducted in autumn 2016. It collected information from over 10,000 respondents representing 100 departments of the leading universities of Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Novosibirsk and Yekaterinburg, including Moscow State Institute of International Relations, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Novosibirsk State University, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, New Economic School, Saint Petersburg State University, Yeltsin Ural Federal University, and Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. Apart from the general ranking, FutureToday also compiled individual rankings of most attractive employers for graduates of specific university departments chosen by employers from the list suggested by FutureToday.

“We are glad to see Rosatom among top 10 most attractive employers. It is a pleasure to see that the long road that the company has traveled over the past several years to establish a system for attracting young talented specialists bears fruit. Rosatom is a good example of a Russian high-tech company that makes a good use of the best personnel management practices, works on an open labor market, and successfully competes for the best graduates with the largest Western corporations, traditional leaders in terms of employment attractiveness,” said Denis Kaminsky, FutureToday partner and founder.

Dmitry Gasten, Director of the HR Policy Department at Rosatom, said that the independent survey showed that there is interest in the Russian nuclear power industry not only from engineering and engineering technology graduates, but also from economists, lawyers and other young specialists.

Today Rosatom is one of the most attractive employers for young engineers. In evaluating its employer brand appeal, the company has been guided by reports of the international company Universum. The survey conducted among technology and natural sciences students in 2015 ranked Rosatom among Russia’s top five employers in Russia and recognized it as students’ top choice in the Engineering and Production category.