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Rosatom head: Russian nuclear power plants are twice as reliable than European and American ones

The Russian Federation nuclear industry increases energy generation and reduces prime costs while safety parameters of Russian nuclear power plants considerably exceed those of foreign ones, head of the Russian nuclear energy corporation Rosatom Sergei Kiriyenko told President of Russia Vladimir Putin.

“The fulfillment of our long-term development program is somewhere at 116% of the planned target,” noted Sergei Kiriyenko. He added that in 2014 the nuclear industry generated a record high of 182 billion kWh of electricity. The share of energy generated by nuclear power plants in Russia rose from 15% to 17%.

The Rosatom head underlined that energy generation is not increased at the expense of reliability. “This year we have had no significant deviation of any kind. It is zero level on the international scale. No event has been significant for safety considerations,” said Sergei Kiriyenko.

The executive went on saying that reliability parameters of Russian nuclear power plants are roughly twice as high as those in Europe and the United States of America.

Sergei Kiriyenko also said that all the spent nuclear fuel reserves that had accumulated in the Far East had been utilized. In his words, no emergency nuclear fuel or spent nuclear fuel is left over there.