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Rosatom, IAEA hold conference on nuclear knowledge management

The Russian state nuclear industry corporation Rosatom and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) held the third international conference on nuclear knowledge management in Vienna, BelTA learned from the press service of the company AO Science and Innovations. The company is in charge of managing Rosatom’s R&D institutions.

Nearly 500 specialists from 61 countries took part in the conference. Vyacheslav Pershukov, Rosatom Deputy Director General, Director of Rosatom’s innovation management division, was elected president of the conference. The program part of the conference had been prepared by the world’s leading experts in managing nuclear knowledge, with specialists of Rosatom’s innovation management division and the R&D division providing oversight.

During the opening ceremony IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano stated that nuclear knowledge management is extremely important and requires long-term work that has to continue even after nuclear power generation facilities are shut down. “Effective knowledge management is vital for securing success in all branches of the production sector, particular in nuclear power engineering. A nuclear energy program requires long-term commitment with regard to people and resources. It is important to preserve and spread expert knowledge,” he said. The IAEA head added that managing technical knowledge and putting persistent efforts into preserving it are the main tasks both for countries with a well-developed nuclear energy industry where an entire generation of experts is already retiring and for countries where the nuclear energy industry is starting to take root.

In his speech Vyacheslav Pershukov reminded that the first conference of the kind was arranged in 2002. Since then nuclear knowledge management has advanced far. In his words, it is necessary to preserve and manage nuclear knowledge due to several reasons: due to requirements of the economy, security, and safety, due to the need to preserve engineering design knowledge, due to global scientific cooperation, and due to the growing human potential in this industry. “Operators and regulators, government agencies and private companies use nuclear knowledge management approaches and instruments to optimize business processes and improve effectiveness,” he noted. Vyacheslav Pershukov also reminded that Rosatom is primarily a knowledge corporation where competence is the cornerstone of Rosatom’s business.

Vyacheslav Pershukov said: “Nuclear safety and security need continuous work. This is why it is extremely important for the countries about to start developing a nuclear energy industry of their own to create and maintain a nuclear knowledge infrastructure as the foundation for using nuclear energy safely.” He remarked that the Rosatom-IAEA joint action plan covers many important aspects of managing nuclear knowledge. He added that results of such cooperation will be beneficial for all the IAEA member states.

During the conference Rosatom’s representatives shared their practical experience of preserving and managing knowledge. These factors are particularly important for the countries that just feel their way into the mastery of nuclear technologies. As part of the conference Rosatom also arranged an extensive exhibition, which had been prepared by leading companies of the Russian nuclear industry. Rosatom’s stand demonstrated integrated solutions for knowledge management. The product allows building a nuclear knowledge infrastructure at all stages of the nuclear power plant lifecycle in countries with well-developed nuclear industries and with nascent ones. Apart from that, Rosatom’s nuclear industry services export company Atomstroyexport and the French 3D software company Dassault Systemes signed a partnership agreement.