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Rosatom opens regional center in France

The Russian state corporation Rosatom opened a regional center in Western Europe with the headquarters in Paris. The announcement was made at the first World Nuclear Exhibition which is running in Le Borget (France) on 13-16 October, BelTA learned from the press service of Rusatom International Network.

The company Rosatom France which is registered in Paris is an affiliated company of Rusatom International Network. The new company aims to develop international business of Rosatom divisions, look for new business opportunities. Andrei Rozhdestvin, Regional Vice President of Rusatom International Network for Western Europe, was appointed Director of Rosatom France.

“The opening of the Rosatom France regional center is not only the next move in building a stronger global presence of Rosatom. It is a logical step in developing our cooperation with French and European partners as this cooperation has lasted for decades. The history of Russia’s advancement on the European and then global uranium market started in France. A lot has changed in the world for more than 40 years of cooperation. But throughout this period we have been reliable partners, and showed our total commitment to our obligations,” Kirill Komarov, Deputy Director General for Development and International Business of Rosatom, said.

Apart from Rosatom France, the Russian state corporation operates regional centers in Prague, Kiev, Singapore and Johannesburg.