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Rosatom, Republican Union of Builders of Belarus sign cooperation agreement

Photo courtesy of TASS

MINSK, 16 March (BelTA) – The Russian state nuclear industry corporation Rosatom and Belarus' Republican Union of Builders signed a cooperation agreement on the sidelines of the international architecture and construction expo Budexpo 2023, the press service of Rusatom International Network Company told BelTA.

It has been reported that the signatories are interested in partnership and in realizing projects in various areas, including digital technologies in civil engineering, development and introduction of new technologies in energy saving, production of composite materials and the use of additive technologies in the work of Belarusian construction companies and enterprises. Chairman of the Republican Union of Builders Anatoly Nichkasov said: “We are glad to cooperate with the state corporation Rosatom and are confident that our joint projects, which are aimed at developing innovative technologies in Belarus' civil engineering industry, will succeed.”

The development of energy accumulation systems with assistance of OOO Renera (part of Rosatom's TVEL Fuel Company) will be a priority avenue of cooperation. This cooperation will focus on drive batteries for electric vehicles and energy accumulators for stationary systems, which can be used, for instance, in utilities industry and lift systems and can ensure uninterrupted and effective work of electric equipment in residential houses.

The use of additive technologies in manufacturing as part of the work of construction companies and enterprises is another avenue of cooperation. The application of additive technologies can vary from making parts of certain products to major shipments of equipment (products of OOO Rusatom Additive Technologies, the industry integrator and part of Rosatom's TVEL Fuel Company).

The sides are also discussing the possibility of realization of complex digital solutions for needs of the urban environment, utilities industry, regional and city administration. At present Rosatom's digital solutions in this area are used in over 100 Russian cities. One of the most popular projects is the digital platform Smart City, which combines over 60 services. These technologies have been successfully implemented by the company AO Rusatom Infrastructure Solutions (part of Rosatom).

The promotion of the digital product Multi-D may be a promising partnership project. Multi-D is an integrated technology for controlling the lifecycle of construction of complicated engineering installations with a view to realizing them within specified cost and time limits and with appropriate quality (a product by AO Atomstroyexport).

Director of OOO Rusatom Bel (Rosatom's country office in Belarus) Stanislav Levitsky said: “We are pleased to see that our competencies and experience in the field of innovation look interesting for partners from Belarus, and we are ready to cooperate on a long-term basis in the implementation of our projects in the field of smart energy industry, civil engineering, and digital solutions.”

The sides expressed confidence that joint work would contribute to the development and better effectiveness of civil engineering projects.
