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Rosatom to continue working with Belarus to train nuclear industry personnel

Photo courtesy of the state enterprise Belarusian Nuclear Power Plant

MINSK, 16 December (BelTA) – The Russian state nuclear industry corporation Rosatom intends to continue cooperation with Belarus in training personnel for the nuclear industry. Andrei Shaikin, head of the Rosatom Technical Academy project, Rosatom's representative in charge of training personnel for the Belarusian nuclear power plant within the framework of the general contract on building the Belarusian nuclear power plant, made the statement during an online conference hosted by BelTA's website.

A program on training personnel for the nuclear energy industry was put together in parallel with the construction of the nuclear power plant in Belarus. Personnel training is part of the general contract signed at the start of the Belarusian nuclear power plant construction project. “2021 became the final straight in realizing the general contract with regard to education and development of teaching materials for training personnel for Belarus' nuclear industry. Today we can say that personnel have been trained, the targeted parameters have been secured. The general schedule for training operating personnel of the Belarusian nuclear power plant in 2015-2021 has been fulfilled in full,” Andrei Shaikin said.

In his words, 41,286 hours of theoretical studies, 24,948 hours of internship at Russian nuclear power plants, 11,508 hours of practice at specialized simulators have been arranged. Apart from that, the Rosatom Technical Academy worked out 32 instructional programs and handed them over to the Belarusian side in addition to 45 position training programs, 19 training curricula and sets of test questions, including simulator training programs and a number of other instructional materials.

The Rosatom representative noted: “We intend to continue cooperation with Belarusian partners in training personnel for the nuclear industry. The Rosatom Technical Academy have come up with package proposals on scientific and technical support of the Belarusian nuclear power plant and proposals on cooperation of Belarusian government agencies and other organizations with Rosatom in non-energy spheres such as scientific studies, nuclear medicine, digitization projects.”

In his words, the state enterprise Belarusian Nuclear Power Plant may be offered materials concerning "Analysis and use of operating experience. Analysis of the causes of events at nuclear power plants and work in commissions to investigate the causes of events at nuclear power plants", "Staffing and personnel management", "Safety culture" and other areas of advanced personnel training.

Andrei Shaikin added: “In association with the Russian Institute of Radiology and Agroecology we can develop a program, a set of educational and teaching materials and organize an education and practice course on ‘The behavior of radionuclides in the environment. Environmental impact assessment, radioecological monitoring' for the Radiobiology Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.”

Rosatom has also come up with up-to-date proposals on management of nuclear fuel and radioactive waste. The training of personnel responsible for nuclear safety and security at nuclear fuel enterprises was mentioned.
