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Rosatom to talk about digital transformation in energy, petrochemical industries at TIBO 2022

MINSK, 8 June (BelTA) – Specialists of the Russian nuclear industry corporation Rosatom will talk about digital transformation in energy industry and petrochemical industry at the TIBO 2022 forum, BelTA has learned.

Rosatom presented cutting-edge products and technologies in the area of digital solutions and infrastructural solutions at the 28th international information and communication technologies forum TIBO. Rosatom’s delegation is taking part in the main events of the forum’s business program.

Rosatom’s engineering division presented the international educational project BIM Management before participants of the forum’s thematic session e-Education, Open Science, Innovation Infrastructure. More than 2,800 participants from 40 countries have been trained within the framework of the project over the course of two year. Built around the principle “Knowledge in exchange for results”, the educational program has produced over 1,300 digital copies of buildings and structures occupying 5 million m2 in Nizhny Novgorod and Yekaterinburg.

Aleksei Agafonov, Director for Support and Development of Project Manufacturing at AO Atomenergoproject, head of Rosatom’s competence center Engineering Design, said: “Such projects are extremely important because they allow preserving the historical image of buildings and help model urban development in the future. Course participants acquire skills for handling modern tools in a modern environment and with assistance of modern digital modeling methods. There is no doubt it increases their competitive ability on the labor market and their professional status.”

One of these days during a thematic session on digital transformation in energy industry, petrochemical industry, and gas industry Deputy Director General, Director for Economy and Finance of Rosenergoatom Concern Sergei Migalin will talk about the target image of a digital nuclear power plant, which is based on the concern’s universal integrated solution for supporting the optimal functioning of manufacturing and managerial processes from the moment a major industrial facility is commissioned and until it is decommissioned.

Sergei Migalin remarked: “Our digitization strategy is based on two key branches – improvement of internal effectiveness and transformation into a global center of technological expertise and into an integrated vendor of digital and infrastructural solutions for effective and safe operation of complicated engineering installations in Russia and abroad. This is why we originally create our solutions in product logic and with import-independent technologies. They go through a long cycle of testing at nuclear industry sites and only then they are offered to the foreign market.”