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Russia, Algeria to cooperate in peaceful uses of nuclear energy

On 27 April the Russian state nuclear industry corporation Rosatom and the Commissariat a l’Energie Atomique of the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria signed a memorandum of understanding on cooperation in peaceful uses of nuclear energy. The document was signed by Rosatom Director General Sergei Kiriyenko and Chairman of the Commissariat a l’Energie Atomique Mohamed Derdour.

The memorandum is aimed at working out concrete forms of business cooperation between Russia and Algeria in peaceful uses of nuclear technologies for energy and non-energy applications. In particular, as far as energy projects are concerned, the memorandum provides for the joint implementation of a project to build a nuclear power plant in Algeria using Russian technologies as well as cooperation in the field of nuclear fuel cycle. The Algerian side may also take part in the project to build a multi-purpose fast reactor. The memorandum also envisages cooperation in the field of nuclear safety and nuclear security, personnel training and education, including education for Algerian students and specialists at Russian universities in nuclear industry specializations.

As far as non-energy areas are concerned, the parties agreed to continue discussing and assessing such projects as the construction of a nuclear science and technology center based on a Russian-design research reactor, the construction of a facility to make isotope products, and the application of radioisotopes in the Algerian industry, the construction of nuclear medicine centers and irradiation centers for improving the efficiency of agriculture and so on.

The memorandum envisages the development of a joint roadmap for advancing Algeria’s peaceful nuclear program. The roadmap is supposed to specify projects of mutual interest and will be implemented by joint workgroups.