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Russia, Cambodia sign two memorandums of cooperation 

Rosatom State Corporation and the National Council for Sustainable Development of the Kingdom of Cambodia signed two documents: a memorandum on nuclear energy information center in Cambodia and a memorandum on a joint working group on the  peaceful uses of the atom.

On behalf of Russia the documents were signed by Mr. Sergey Kiriyenko, the Chief Executive Officer of Rosatom, and Mr. Sai Samal, the Chairman of the National Council for Sustainable Development, on behalf of Cambodia. The documents were signed in the presence of Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev and Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen.

The memorandum on nuclear energy information center is an important step in strengthening the cooperation between the two countries in the area of public acceptance of nuclear energy in the Kingdom of Cambodia. The information center is expected to become a platform for joint cultural and educational events for various population groups, first of all, for children, pupils and students. The center will be a non-profit organization focused on the promotion of all the aspects of the peaceful uses of nuclear energy. The center will help people of Cambodia get a better understanding of the nuclear energy principles, the prospects of the national nuclear energy and industry development, and also raise the prestige of the profession among the young people.

The memorandum on the Cambodia-Russia joint working group on the peaceful uses of atomic energy will make it possible for the parties to hold regular meetings between experts to define and implement joint projects.