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Russia may help South Africa in developing nuclear energy


The Russian side is in preliminary negotiations with South Africa on the construction of nuclear power-generating units. The information was released by Mr Sergei Kiriyenko, Director General of the state-run corporation Rosatom, Russian mass media report.

According to Sergei Kiriyenko, preliminary talks are in progress to understand the approaches used to develop South Africa’s nuclear program. “We could provide assistance. They would like the complex development of the nuclear energy industry,” he said.

In line with the program to develop the South Africa nuclear energy industry that has not been launched yet as much as 9.6GW of nuclear power-generating facilities will be built or eight nuclear power-generating units with the output capacity of 1,200MW.

The Rosatom Director General underlined that the company supplies South Africa with enriched uranium for an existing nuclear power plant. Apart from that, the Russian state corporation actively cooperates in the sphere of nuclear medicine, isotope products and personnel training.