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Russia, Rwanda to develop cooperation in peaceful uses of nuclear energy

Russian and Rwanda signed an intergovernmental agreement on cooperation in peaceful uses of nuclear energy in Moscow on 5 December 2018, BelTA learned from the communications department of the Rosatom State Corporation.

The document was signed by Rosatom Director General Aleksey Likhachev and Rwandan Minister of Infrastructure Claver Gatete.

The agreement lays the foundation for active dialogue between the two countries in the field of peaceful uses of nuclear energy and will allow for practical implementation of projects. The document establishes the legal basis for interaction between Russia and Rwanda in a wide range of areas, including the projects to build a center for nuclear science and technology and a nuclear power plant in the Republic of Rwanda; development of nuclear infrastructure in line with the international requirements; research in the field of peaceful atom; training and development of specialists for the nuclear industry.

The two countries will set up working groups to implement projects and scientific research, exchange experts, arrange seminars and conferences. The agreement provides for assistance in training of scientific and technical personnel, delivery of equipment and materials.

Aleksey Likhachev noted that Rosatom is happy to share its 70 years’ expertise in the field of peaceful uses of nuclear technologies with its Rwandan partners and hopes that the cooperation will contribute to the economic growth and quality of life in Rwanda.

The intergovernmental agreement was signed in furtherance of the memorandum of understanding signed between Rosatom and the Ministry of Infrastructure of Rwanda in Moscow on 22 June 2018.