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Russian-design nuclear stations resistant to earthquakes

Nuclear power plants, which are built using Russian designs, are protected against all kinds of external forces and are resistant to earthquakes. The fact was emphasized by head of the merged company NIAEP-ASE Valery Limarenko as part of the 6th international forum AtomExpo 2014 in Moscow on 9 June, BelTA has learned.

The executive said that a lot of the territories where Russia is building nuclear power plants are susceptible to earthquakes. The territories include Turkey, India, Bangladesh and other countries. The Russian company specializes in designing stations that will be located in difficult areas. “We use special technologies to reinforce equipment and all the necessary calculations are made. For instance, we have designed a nuclear power plant for Armenia. The power plant survived the very strong earthquake that everyone must remember while the rest of the infrastructure was destroyed. By the way, after the earthquake the Armenian nuclear power plant continued working,” stressed Valery Limarenko.

In his words, the Russian company can successfully carry on several projects at once. “It is a standard today and owes to the fact that we have a united information system to manage projects. There is a special control center where all the facilities and their parameters including economic, time, and quality ones are displayed. Our Multi-D system is designed to ensure the timely completion of the entire work with proper quality and within the budget. Any party involved in building or designing a nuclear power plant is part of the information system,” explained Valery Limarenko.

The application of the Multi-D system directly influences construction time, construction quality and costs thanks to more efficient resource management. The system greatly increases speed, quality and objectiveness of auditing through all the stages of the life cycle of the complicated engineering installation from design phase to decommissioning.

The 6th international forum AtomExpo 2014 is scheduled to take place in Moscow on 9-11 June. The forum is focused on nuclear energy as a condition of energy stability. The event has been organized by the Russian state corporation Rosatom.

The Belarusian Telegraph Agency (BelTA) is an information partner of AtomExpo 2014.