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Russian MP: Union State common energy market model can be useful for EAEU


MINSK, 16 March (BelTA) - The common energy market of the Union State can become a model for the EAEU, the Energy Committee of the Russian State Duma said, BelTA has learned.

Chairman of the Energy Committee of the State Duma Pavel Zavalny noted that the setting up of the common energy market is the most important part of economic integration. The Union State programs for the common energy markets apply to electricity, gas and oil. The parties continue working to implement them. It is a complex iterative process, each of the programs requires, among other things, the harmonization of national legislation. Discussing this topic, establishing direct inter-parliamentary contacts at the level of appropriate committees of the parliaments of Russia and Belarus to increase the effectiveness of the work is one of the tasks set by Chairman of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin for the delegation.

"The common energy market of the Union State can become a model for the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). The task is to build this system so that it is obviously beneficial to all its participants, both energy-producing countries and consumer countries. This will help attract new participants to our integration associations, strengthen the positions of Russia and friendly countries in today's difficult world," the MP said.

Cooperation in the field of peaceful atom is the most important element of integration, Pavel Zavalny said. The construction of the nuclear power plant is a strategic decision, a step towards a long-term partnership.

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to Belarus Boris Gryzlov met with the delegation of the State Duma in Minsk and noted that the Union State of Belarus and Russia is going through an important stage today. It was launched in November 2021 with the adoption of 28 programs relating to all sectors of the economy. The goal is to create a balanced mutually beneficial model of integration on the principle of ‘two countries - one economy', which will strengthen the positions of both states in global competition.
