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Russian nuclear experts awarded medals of the House of Romanov for helping Orthodox boarding school

The medals “People’s Feat. 1613-2013” have been presented to Director General of OAO Atomenergoproekt Marat Mustafin, head of the trade unions committee of the company Tatyana Khobotko, trade union organizer of the Volgograd design office Vladimir Pismensky and trade union member of the design office Tatyana Chervonenko, BelTA learned from the communications department of the Russian company.

The honorary awards of the Imperial House of Romanov were bestowed upon representatives of Atomenergoproekt for the many-year systematic charity help to the House of Charity boarding school for children from troubled families in the town of Volzhsky.

The trade union of OAO Atomenergoproekt has been providing support to the Volzhsky Orthodox boarding school for more than ten years. “We provide all kinds of support: we open RUB50,000 bank accounts for all graduates, finance excursions for children, pay for utilities, provide money for other basic needs,” Tatyana Khobotko explained. Workers of the Volgograd design office regularly participate in events organized by the boarding school. During the New Year holidays students of the boarding school and children of Atomenergoproekt’s workers attend New Year celebrations.