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Russian nuclear power plants on higher security status

Heightened security measures have been introduced at all the Russian nuclear power plants, BelTA learned from the Rosenergoatom Concern press service.

According to the source, heightened physical security measures have been introduced at the nuclear power plants, which are branches of OAO Rosenergoatom Concern, as part of the nationwide antiterrorism security effort. The security divisions of the nuclear power plants and the agencies involved in protecting the installations have gone to a higher alert mode.

Apart from that, as of 14 November all the personnel of the nuclear power plants are instructed to increase vigilance. At present the situation at all the Russian nuclear power plants is calm. As many as 29 power-generating units are in use and another five are being repaired.

Russia highly prioritizes the routine security of strategically important installations such as nuclear power plants. Nuclear power plants are believed to be one of the most secure installations in the country. As part of the heightened security measures additional units of power-wielding agencies and law enforcement ones are employed to protect the nuclear power plants.