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Semashko: Belarus-Russia three-year gas supply contract may be signed next week

A three-year gas supply contract between Russia and Belarus may be signed next week, First Vice Premier of Belarus Vladimir Semashko told media in Orsha on 10 December, BelTA has learned.

“I think that the contract will be signed next week. The contract has been finalized. Everything is ready for the signing of the document,” Vladimir Semashko said.

In his words, the prepared contract is not much different from the one currently in force. “We have not changed the agreed price setting form. Starting from 1 January the gas price will be lower due to the Russian ruble decline. Currently, Belarus pays $168 per 1,000 cubic meters of gas. We may have some $154-155 next year,” the First Vice Premier said.

Speaking about the volume of deliveries, the First Vice Premier noted that the amount Belarus will get will be enough to meet the needs of all categories of consumers in the country. “It is about 22 billion cubic meters per year. Sometimes we do not use the volume in full. The contract envisages plus/minus fluctuations (plus 5%, minus 10%),” Vladimir Semashko said.

Due to the construction of new units, power plants consume 50-70% less fuel for electricity generation, Vladimir Semashko added.

The current three-year contract for the supply of natural gas by Gazprom to Belarus expires on 31 December 2014.