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Semashko: No sharp increase in gas prices for Belarus

There will be no price hike for Russian gas for Belarus, First Vice Premier of Belarus Vladimir Semashko told media on 31 October, BelTA has learned.

The First Vice Premier stressed that gas prices might be even lower. In his words, the three-year contract on Russian gas supplies to Belarus ends this year. A new three-year contract is almost ready. “It does not envisage any ‘revolutions’. I think there will be no price hike for gas. We forecast the price to go slightly down,” Vladimir Semashko stressed.

Asked about whether the Russian gas transit would increase, Vladimir Semashko said it increased in 2014. For example, the Yamal-Europe pipeline is running at its full capacity. The capacity of the gas transmission system which was once owned by Beltransgaz can be increased as well. “It can handle some 8-9 billion cubic meters more. I think Russia will use this opportunity to increase gas transit,” the Belarusian official said.