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Tests before physical start-up of 3rd power-generating unit of Rostov NPP

An important stage of adjustment works before the physical start-up of the reactor, namely complex testing of equipment and systems of the 3rd power-generating unit, began at the Rostov nuclear power plant. This is the so-called cold and hot operational testing, BelTA learned from the communications department of OAO NIAEP – ZAO Atomstroyexport (ASE).

At present the ‘cold’ phase is underway. It involves preparations for hydraulic tests and circular cleaning. Experts started to pump water to the primary coolant pipe. Then pressure will be raised to 35 atmospheres and to 250 atmospheres at the next stage.

“It is worth saying that construction and installation works are almost done. Apart from that, executive documents are ready at this stage. It is an achievement of those who worked hard at the construction site,” Senior Vice President for Project Management at OAO NIAEP – ZAO Atomstroyexport (ASE) Alexander Polushkin said. He also emphasized that the construction of the power-generating unit is on schedule and the beginning of hydraulic tests and circular cleaning is a testimony to that.

The Rostov NPP is one of the largest power-generating companies in South Russia. It is the most southern nuclear power plant in the country. It is part of the unified NPP projects equipped with a pressurized water reactor with the nominal capacity of 1,000 MW (VVER-1000) which meet the requirements of continuous construction. The NPP was designed to satisfy the demand of the common energy system of the North Caucasus.

The full-fledged construction of the Rostov nuclear power plant started in October 1979. In 1990 the construction was stopped; the power plant was put on a sleep mode. In 2000 Russia’s Gosatomnadzor issued a license to continue the construction of the first power-generating unit at the Rostov NPP and equip it with a VVER-1000 reactor. In 2001 the agency issued a license for the operation of the power-generating unit. The works to finish the construction of the second power-generating unit with a VVER-1000 reactor were resumed in 2002. In 2010 the power-generating unit was launched.

The construction of the third and fourth power-generating units is currently underway. They are scheduled for launch in 2014 and 2017 respectively.
Tags: constructionreactorRussiasafety