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Ukrainian Energoatom views Belarus as backup electricity supplier


MINSK, 28 October (BelTA) – The Ukrainian state company Energoatom views Belarus as a backup supplier of electricity, BelTA learned from the Energoatom website.

According to the website, Energoatom is considering all the options to create electricity reserves in accordance with requirements of the Ukrainian power grid. To reserve electricity from Belarus could be one of the options.

Electricity from Belarus will allow creating reserves in case of emergencies caused by abnormal temperatures. It will provide the Ukrainian population with cheap electricity thanks to nuclear generation and will prevent a shortage of electricity on the domestic market.

The National Energy and Utilities Regulatory Commission of Ukraine has permitted importing electricity from Belarus as from 1 November. Energoatom participated in a monthly auction (November) to secure throughput capacity of Belarusian-Ukrainian transboundary power lines and received 885MW as a result.
