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Unchanged natural gas price for Belarus’ real sector in 2015

The price for natural gas that Belarus’ real sector will pay in 2015 is expected to be close to the price of the year 2014, BelTA learned from Belarusian Deputy Energy Minister Vadim Zakrevsky on 16 December.

The contract on the delivery of Russian natural gas to Belarus can be signed soon. Since the exchange rate of the Russian ruble is falling, Belarus will pay slightly less for natural gas as from 1 January. At present the price is close to $168 per 1,000m3 and is expected to drop to about $154-155. Asked about prices for natural gas for the real sector of the economy, Vadim Zakrevsky said that the next year’s planned prices match this year’s.

“As far as cement mills and the glass industry are concerned, they enjoy preferential tariffs on electricity and natural gas. This is why we have balanced the year 2015 taking into account volumes of the year 2014. Respectively the tariff component will be the same for them,” explained the official.