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Visits to BelNPP included in tourist rotes

Tour operators include visits to the Belarusian Nuclear Power Plant (BelNPP) in their routes, Eduard Svirid, Head of the Information and Public Relations Department at the state enterprise Belarusian Nuclear Power Plant, said during the online conference hosted by BelTA.

When asked whether the under-construction nuclear power plant is included in any tourist routes, Eduard Svirid said that tour operators are interested in the facility. He stressed that all visits are free of charge. “We do not collect and will not collect any fees for the visits to the NPP and the information center. Tour operators call us and say that a group of tourists will come,” he said.

Eduard Svirid added that the information center in Ostrovets can be visited at any convenient time without pre-notification and the harmonization of the date of the visit. “It is more difficult to organize a visit to the NPP. It is a high-security facility. Certain rules of the visit will be available on our website,” he emphasized.

“In general, the territory around the nuclear power plant In Ostrovets District will not be close to the public. In the past the so-called security zone, the sanitary zone, covered the territory at a distance of 5km, 2km or 1km from the nuclear power plant. At present it lies within the perimeter of the plant,” Eduard Svirid said. In his words, the power plant is surrounded by the fence, and the territory beyond this fence can be visited without any restrictions.

Head of the Information Center for Nuclear Energy Tatyana Shlyk said that the center can be also visited for free. “Tourism agencies of Borisov and Lida have learned about our center, called us and said that they would like to visit us as part of the excursion to Minsk. We are open on weekdays and on every third Saturday of the month. You are welcome. We did not have plans to establish cooperation with tourism agencies, but they learn about us and organize excursions,” she said.