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Vitebsk to host forum on investments and innovations in energy saving 6-7 February

An international forum titled as Investments. Innovations. Prospects. will be held in Vitebsk on 6-7 February, BelTA learnt from the press service of the Energy Ministry.

The forum will feature products of more than 60 companies from Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Poland, Austria, Turkey as well as Vitebsk leading companies: Vitebskenergo, Naftan, Polimerkonstruktsia, Vityaz, Spetssistema, VEP Svet, and Display design bureau. The forum will display Vitebsk Oblast investment potential and include international expos of innovation technologies and equipment for energy and resource saving, innovations in construction. Present-day problems and achievements in the energy saving area, impact of energy efficiency on economic security and competitive ability will highlight the plenary meeting of the forum and the international science-to-practice conference. The program of the forum will also include a business matchmaking session.

Attending the forum will be foreign delegations, representatives of diplomatic missions of Georgia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Latvia, Estonia, the Czech Republic, Slovakia in Belarus as well as trading representative offices of Germany and Bulgaria, business communities, representatives of the project “Promotion of Belarus’ Regional and Local Development”.

The forum is organized by the Vitebsk Oblast Executive Committee, the Vitebsk City Council, the fuel and energy use watchdog of Vitebsk Oblast, the Vitebsk Oblast Marketing Center. Vitebskenergo is the general partner of the forum.