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Young Belarusian scientists to participate in Global Young Academy elections


In 2015 young scientists from Belarus will take part in elections to the Global Young Academy, BelTA learned from Andrei Ivanets, Chairman of the Young Scientists Council of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, during the session of the general assembly of the academy of sciences on 17 April.

According to the source, the Global Young Academy is an international youth academy that has existed for a long time and brings together scientists from over 200 countries. “This year we, representatives of the Young Scientists Council, will go to the World Science Forum, which is held every two years. As part of the forum a session of the Global Young Academy will be held and new members will be elected. For the first time Belarusian scientists will take part in the elections. We plan to send two representatives of ours,” explained Andrei Ivanets.

The Chairman of the Young Scientists Council underlined that there are plans to create a youth academy of sciences in the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus before elections to the prestigious international organization. “We would like members of the Youth Academy to participate in elections to the Global Young Academy. Moreover, it is difficult to get elected to the Global Young Academy. Candidates have to present a scientific work of their own, prove its significance on the international scale. Candidates have to present their results and their personal contribution. And even if they do all that, there is no guarantee that they will be elected,” said Andrei Ivanets.

The official said that the World Science Forum will take place in Hungary in early November 2015. Internationally recognized scientists such as Nobel Prize winner Peter Higgs, who has discovered Higgs’ boson, will take part in the forum. Winners of Nobel prizes for biochemistry and medicine will be represented. Roundtable sessions and master classes will be held. It will be a major event with strict participation quotas for every country. About 600 scientists will take part in the World Science Forum.

A session of the general assembly of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus took place on 17 March. The general assembly is the supreme collegial management body of the Academy. About 500 representatives of academic science, university science, and industry science as well as young Belarusian scientists took part in the event. The session was held to sum up results of scientific efforts in 2014 and this year’s development tasks for the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.

Tags: science