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8.2bn kWh of electricity generated by Belarusian nuclear power plant's first unit so far


MINSK, 18 March (BelTA) – The first unit of the Belarusian nuclear power plant has generated 8.2 billion kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity since it was connected to the national power grid. It allowed substituting over 2 billion m3 of natural gas. Belarusian Energy Minister Viktor Karankevich made the statement during the first youth forum of the Belarusian trade union of energy industry, natural gas industry, and fuel industry workers Belenergotopgaz, the Energy Ministry press service told BelTA.

Viktor Karankevich noted positive dynamics of growing electricity consumption in Belarus. Electricity consumption rose by 2.3 billion kWh in 2021 alone. Electricity consumption by the real sector of the economy went up by 1.3 billion kWh while that of the households rose by 0.25 billion kWh.

Systemic efforts continue to switch heating and hot water supply in Belarusian homes to electricity.

In order to increase the number of single-family houses that use electricity for heating purposes Belarusian electrical companies have passed long-term plans on modernizing power grids with the approval of the oblast administrations and the Minsk City Executive Committee. The plans cover over 1,500 population centers.

A presidential decree has been passed to stipulate how citizens' money can be used for designing and building power grids and specify the procedure for interaction with the population and municipal authorities for the sake of compiling the relevant plans.

The energy minister also talked about progress in realizing the Belarusian nuclear power plant construction project, prospects of development of nuclear energy industry in Belarus, and its role in enhancing the country's energy security.
