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About $470m for Belarus’ NPP construction in 2014

Nearly $470 million will be used for Belarus’ nuclear power plant project in 2014. Belarusian builders are expected to fulfill more than 86% of the works. The rest will be performed by Russian companies, BelTA learnt from the press service of the Energy Ministry of Belarus.

The works for 2014 will include the construction of the reactor and turbine buildings, an evaporative cooling tower, spray cooling ponds of the first power-generating unit. There are also plans to launch the construction of foundations for the second power block.

Nine Belarusian construction and two Russian specialized companies are currently working on the NPP construction site. In 2013 Belarusian builders performed over 95% of the annual construction volumes. A total of 2,008 specialists are involved in the project, including 239 items of machinery.

In 2013 an estimated Br4,281 billion, including Russia’s Br3,502.8 billion loan, was allocated to the project. Partaking in the tenders on the supply on equipment and materials for the plant were 83 Belarusian companies. 26 Belarusian companies concluded contracts on the delivery of equipment, materials and services to the total tune of $3.795 million, about 30% of all purchased equipment.

Belarusian NPP will include two power units with the total capacity of up to 2,400MW. The Belarusian NPP will be based on the NPP-2006 design which goes in full compliance with the national legislation and IAEA requirements. The Russian public joint-stock company OAO NIAEP – ZAO Atomstroyexport is the general designer and the general contractor for building the power plant.