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Another comprehensive inspection underway at BelNPP

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MINSK, 6 December (BelTA) – A regular comprehensive inspection has begun at the BelNPP site, BelTA learned from the Nuclear and Radiation Safety Department of the Belarusian Emergencies Ministry (Gosatomnadzor).

The second inspection in 2017 is designed to assess the efficiency of the management and quality control systems of the organizations that undertake licensable activities at the BelNPP site.

The inspectors are set to check 19 organizations operating at the site, including the nuclear operator (state-run company Belarusian Nuclear Power Plant) and the general contractor (Atomstroyexport).

Taking part in the inspection are seven supervisory bodies. Gosatomnadzor will be provided with consultative support of the permanent European expert mission working in Belarus since 2015 under the European Commission's international technical assistance project “Support and assistance to strengthen the capabilities of the Belarusian Nuclear Regulatory Authority MES/Gosatomnadzor in the field of licensing and supervision of construction of the Belarusian Nuclear Power Plant”.

The inspection will run through 27 December.

Comprehensive inspections involve several supervisory bodies, which helps assess the situation with safety at the BelNPP as a whole taking into account many interrelated and interdependent aspects. Nuclear facilities also undergo inspections in permanent supervision mode, which evaluate the current status of safety to prevent and respond to violations and mitigate their consequences.
