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Belarus counts on IAEA’s assistance with its first NPP project

Belarus counts on the assistance of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) with its first nuclear power plant project, BelTA informs with reference to the UN News Center.

Speaking at the session of the UN General Assembly discussing the IAEA report, Belarus Deputy Permanent Representative in the UN Yevgeny Lazarev stated that the country intends to use the IAEA’s services more actively while constructing its first nuclear power plant.

“The annual IAEA report says that in 2013 Belarus became the second country to start constructing its first nuclear power plant over the last three decades. We would like to affirm our strong commitment to the international norms and standards. Nuclear security remains a top priority for Belarus. We are ready for dialogue with all the countries and international organizations concerned during the implementation of the construction project of the nuclear power plant,” Yevgeny Lazarev said.

He emphasized that Belarus is a nuclear novice country and intends to use the services of the IAEA, including advisory missions.