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Belarus exploring Slovakia's experience in nuclear safety monitoring

Photo courtesy of the Nuclear and Radiation Safety Department of the Belarusian Emergencies Ministry

MINSK, 21 December (BelTA) – Belarus is studying Slovakia's experience in safety monitoring at a nuclear power plant, the Nuclear and Radiation Safety Department of the Belarusian Emergencies Ministry (Gosatomnadzor) told BelTA following a visit of a Gosatomnadzor delegation to Slovakia's Nuclear Regulatory Authority.

The Belarusian specialists have studied the experience of the Nuclear Regulatory Authority in monitoring the safety performance of power-generating units using a differentiated approach (the sequence and intensity of oversight activities depend on the degree of potential danger at the site). The Slovak colleagues informed the Belarusians about procedures to plan and conduct various inspections of the construction and operation of NPP units using the example of the Mochovce NPP (fitted with VVER-type reactors, similar to those at the BelNPP).

The information received from the Slovaks will be used to implement the recommendations of a 2016 Integrated Regulatory Review Service (IRRS) mission in terms of improving the differentiated approach to planning and carrying out inspections at the BelNPP construction site, and also to devising inspection programs at the stage of commissioning of power-generating units.

The sides also exchanged views on further development of bilateral cooperation.

The Belarusian Emergencies Ministry and the Slovak Nuclear Regulatory Authority concluded a memorandum of understanding in nuclear safety regulation in April 2017. The document envisages cooperation in the main fields of regulatory activities, including exchange of experience in oversight-related matters, safety assessment, acceptance and installation of nuclear power plant equipment, emergency preparedness and response.
