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Belarus hopes for end to dispute with Lithuania over BelNPP

Belarus hopes to put an end to the dispute with Lithuania over the construction of the Belarusian nuclear power plant (BelNPP) during the seventh session of the Meeting of the Parties to the Espoo Convention running in Minsk from 13 to 16 June,  Belarusian Deputy Prime Minister Vladimir Semashko told the media on the sidelines of the Espoo Convention meeting on 13 June, BelTA has learned.

“We hope that the session will put a period to the dispute, and we will continue to work in a calm and comfortable manner,” Vladimir Semashko said. He believes that the critical remarks of the Lithuanian side “are more about politics rather than security.”

The deputy prime minister noted that the BelNPP site near Ostrovets is inspected by many international experts, including IAEA representatives. IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano said that the construction project meets high standards as he visited the plant.

The Belarusian nuclear power plant is a project to build a new-generation nuclear power plant with two VVER-1200 type reactors (1,200MW each) 18km away from Ostrovets, Grodno Oblast. The first power-generating unit is scheduled for commissioning in 2019, with the second one to go online in 2020.