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Belarus’ NPP general contractor ready to start concreting works


Everything is ready to start laying concrete at the major facilities of the Belarusian NPP on 10 July, President of the merged company NIAEP - Atomstroyexport Valery Limarenko told BelTA during the International Industry Forum ATOMEXPO 2013 that was held in St. Petersburg on 26-28 June.

“We expect that all the paperwork will be done properly; after the Belarusian President issues a decree and we get a license, we will start concreting works; we are absolutely ready for that,” Valery Limarenko said.

Referring to the existing contract, he explained that according to earlier plans, the concreting works were to be launched in the fourth quarter. “Upon the initiative of the Belarusian government, we will try to get down to work earlier, by 10 July,” Valery Limarenko said.

The Belarusian NPP is being constructed according to a Russian design and is compliant with the national legislation and IAEA requirements. The Belarusian NPP will be based on the NPP-2006 design developed by the Saint Petersburg Atomenergoproyekt Institute. The same project is used in the construction of the Leningrad NPP-2 and the Baltic NPP. The Belarusian NPP will include two power units with the total capacity of up to 2,400MW. The designer and main contractor is the Russian company OAO NIAEP – ZAO Atomstroyexport. The first power unit is set to be commissioned in 2018.