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Belarus' nuclear program on display in IAEA HQ in Vienna

The BelNPP exhibition entitled “Belarusian Nuclear Power Program: Priority — Safety” opened in the headquarters of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) during the 61st session of the IAEA General Conference on 19 September, BelTA has learned.

The Belarusian exhibition has gone on display at the Vienna International Center for the third time. The center exhibits stands of more than 20 countries, including the USA, China, Russia, the UK, Germany, France, the UAE, Kazakhstan, and other states, and also separate exhibitions of the European Commission, the World Nuclear Association, the International Youth Nuclear Congress, and the IAEA Secretariat.

The Belarusian stand features the information on the current status of the BelNPP project in Ostrovets, systems providing the plant’s safe construction and operation, and the advantages of the nuclear industry development for Belarus. The stand demonstrates a documentary filmed at the BelNPP construction site and dedicated to the key events of the construction process, from the preparation phase to date.

Belarus is implementing the BelNPP construction project in an open and transparent way, Belarusian Deputy Minister Mikhail Mikhadyuk noted at the opening ceremony. “We build and develop the necessary nuclear infrastructure strictly adhering to the IAEA’s instructions and recommendations for nuclear newcomers,” Mikhail Mikhadyuk emphasized. Belarus intends to continue cooperation with the IAEA to arrange review missions to the country. The upcoming mission is going to arrive in Belarus to review emergency preparedness and response arrangements in March 2018.

According to the deputy minister, staff training meets very strict requirements. A training center has been set up at the BelNPP site. Belarusian specialists undertake internships at Russian nuclear power plants.

The Belarusian nuclear power plant is built using the Russian Generation III+ AES-2006 design near Ostrovets, Grodno Oblast. The first power-generating unit is scheduled for commissioning in 2019, with the second one to go online in 2020.