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Belarus ready to sign Espoo Convention agreement with Lithuania

Belarus is ready to sign an agreement with Lithuania on the implementation of the Espoo Convention, First Deputy Minister of Natural resources and Environment Vitaly Kulik told media at AtomExpo Belarus 2014 on 1 April, BelTA has learnt.

“Belarus and Lithuania should conclude an agreement on the implementation of this convention and we are ready to finalize and sign it,” Vitaly Kulik said. In his words, Belarus is working on a plan for the NPP project evaluation and intends to invite every stakeholder, including Lithuania, to partake in this activity. “We agree to continue the dialogue and invite Lithuania to participate in the project evaluation,” he said.

Vice President of Rusatom Overseas Alexander Merten noted for his part that Russia as the developer presented all necessary documents to Belarus for discussions within the commitments to the Espoo Convention. “As far as we know, Belarus presented all necessary documents to Lithuania and answered all possible questions. There were held public hearings with the participation of environmentalists. We are convinced that Belarus honors all the obligations under the convention,” Alexander Merten said.

Vitaly Kulik added that the Belarusian delegation would take part in the conference on the Espoo Convention which is due in Geneva in early June. “The venue for the conference has changed: from Kyiv to Geneva. We are still planning our cooperation,” he said.