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Belarus' report on spent fuel, radioactive waste management submitted to IAEA


Belarus' national report on the implementation of the Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management has been submitted to the IAEA, BelTA learned from the Nuclear and Radiation Safety Department of the Belarusian Emergencies Ministry (Gosatomnadzor).

The sixth report has been prepared by Gosatomnadzor, in cooperation with other stakeholders. In accordance with the international obligations, Belarus has sent the report to the IAEA. The document is also available in open access on the website of Gosatomnadzor.

The sixth national report contains a list of spent fuel and radioactive waste treatment facilities in Belarus, the information about the state policy and practices in this field, the legislation, implementation of the recommendations issued following the previous report and other information. The document contains the information on the developments in 2014-2017.

In accordance with established procedure, the countries that have ratified the Convention examine the national reports of other contracting parties, formulate questions, and give answers to the questions. The national reports will be reviewed at the IAEA in May-June 2018 in the course of a review meeting of the contracting parties to the Joint Convention.

The Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management was adopted in 1997. Its aim is to support a high level of safety of spent fuel management and radioactive waste management worldwide through strengthening national measures and international cooperation, including technical cooperation in the field of security. The convention was ratified in Belarus in 2002 and came into effect on 24 February 2003.

Tags: cooperationIAEAoilsafety