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Belarus to build nuclear power plant as transparently as possible

Belarus intends to make the construction of the nuclear power plant as transparent as possible, BelTA learned from Belarusian Minister of Foreign Affairs Vladimir Makei on 27 May.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs stressed that Belarus intends to enable a maximum transparency regime for building and commissioning its own nuclear power plant.

“We tightly cooperate with the IAEA, the World Association of Nuclear Operators, and the European Commission and we intend to continue doing so,” said Vladimir Makei. Belarus has repeatedly stated it is ready to welcome any missions of the International Atomic Energy Agency, other international operators in the sphere of nuclear energy industry, ready to constantly work together with the European Commission and carry out stress tests.

Vladimir Makei disproved allegations that Belarus has no desire to cooperate with Lithuanian experts in matters concerning the construction of the nuclear power plant and the evaluation of the nuclear power plant’s environmental impact. The Minister of Foreign Affairs said that over the period of several years Belarus has given detailed answers dozens of times to all the questions asked by Lithuania. At the same time the Lithuanian side has provided nothing but links to websites in response to questions about the decommissioning of the Ignalina nuclear power plant. No answers have been granted at all about plans to build the Visaginas nuclear power plant and a spent nuclear fuel storage facility near the Belarusian border.

Belarus has also repeatedly invited Lithuania to arrange expert consultations. The Minister of Foreign Affairs noted that until recently the Lithuanian side has given no indication they had received the proposals. Nevertheless, Vladimir Makei stated with satisfaction that according to the information he had, Belarusian and Lithuanian experts might soon meet in Vilnius and hold consultations in accordance with recommendations of the Espoo Convention.