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Belarus to host IAEA's OSART mission in 2025

Viktor Karankevich

MINSK, 17 October (BelTA) – Belarus intends to host the International Atomic Energy Agency's Operational Safety Review Team (OSART) mission in 2025, BelTA learned from Belarusian Energy Minister Viktor Karankevich during the 27th Belarusian energy and ecology forum Energy Expo.

The minister remarked that Belarus systemically interacts with leading international organizations on matters of nuclear and radiation safety, primarily with the IAEA. The agency assists Belarus with tackling the most important matters relating to the realization of the national nuclear energy program and developing the infrastructure of nuclear energy and nuclear safety. Recommendations and proposals of international experts are taken into account when national action plans need to be drafted.

Belarus has hosted all the key IAEA missions recommended for the countries that build their first nuclear power plant. Belarus' positive experience and positive practices were noted in a number of fields. They are now used as an example for other newcomer countries.

Belarus' cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency will continue. “Plans are in place to prepare for a regular OSART mission that will review operational safety. The mission is expected to arrive in 2025,” Viktor Karankevich said.

The mission is supposed to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the safety of the Belarusian nuclear power plant, including operation, maintenance, personnel training and certification, radiation protection, emergency preparedness and response, and other factors.
