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Belarus to train at least 500 specialists for nuclear industry by 2025


MINSK, 4 February (BelTA) – At least 500 specialists will be trained for nuclear energy jobs in Belarus in 2021-2025. The Council of Ministers' Resolution No. 57 on the approval of the government program “Education and Youth Policy” has been officially published on the National Legal Internet Portal. The resolution was passed on 29 January 2021 and will be in effect for five years, BelTA informs.

After processing the requests of government agencies and organizations, a decision was made to continue enrolling at least 20 people annually for each of the five main nuclear energy majors in three universities and Minsk State Energy College. Belarusian State University offers two specializations: nuclear physics and technology and high-energy chemistry. Students will be able to study nuclear and radiation safety at the International Sakharov Environmental Institute of Belarusian State University. Belarusian National Technical University opened a specialization in the design and operation of nuclear and electric power plants. The Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics offers a major in electronic and information-management systems of physical installations.

In order to provide the educational institutions with highly qualified teaching staff, it is necessary to train researchers and holders of master's degree. Some of the training might be done abroad. There are plans to send more than ten people to other countries for postgraduate and master's programs in 2021-2025.

About 500 people are currently undergoing training in nuclear power majors. In 2013-2019, more than 850 students majoring in the five main specialties graduated from universities. About a third of them were employed by the Belarusian nuclear power plant. Another third was hired by organizations of the Energy Ministry and organizations that work with sources of ionizing radiation. The remaining graduates got a job in industries that are allied to the nuclear energy sector. The government program reads that there were enough graduates to fully meet the staffing needs of the Belarusian nuclear power plant and the entire nuclear power industry of the country.
