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BelNPP first unit reaches 400MW capacity

The first energy unit of the Belarusian nuclear power plant (BelNPP) has reached the capacity of 400MW. The official ceremony to increase the capacity of the plant was held at the presence of Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko on 7 November, BelTA has learned.

Within three days since the connection of the plant to the unified grid, the BelNPP has produced more than 22 million kWh of electricity, which saved 6.4 million cubic meters of natural gas worth about $1 million.

Electric power from the nuclear power plant is supplied to all the regions of the country. The reactor of the first unit operates at 40% capacity.

The power start-up was preceded by a large scope of work to check the readiness of the technological systems and equipment, conduct necessary tests, and train personnel.

According to the testing programs, the capacity of the unit will be gradually increased to the design capacity of 1,190 MW. The commissioning of the first unit is planned in Q1 2021.

Tags: atomBelarusian NPP