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BelNPP to join World Association of Nuclear Operators

The Belarusian nuclear power plant (BelNPP) has plans to join the World Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO) before the commissioning, chief engineer of the BelNPP Anatoly Bondar said at a seminar “Sharing best practices in NPP commissioning” in Ostrovets on 17 April, BelTA has learnt.

“We are working on it. I am convinced that we will be able to join the organization before we proceed to active commissioning operations,” the specialist said. In his words, the work that is underway now can be called preparatory. The Ostrovets session on 17 April is also part of this preparatory work.

“As I led the BelNPP operation service, I believe that the sooner we join WANO, the better,” the chief engineer said. He added, however, that such a decision should be made on the top level. Besides, a number of procedures have to be completed for that.

The participants of the session praised the work done and called it fruitful. For example, Luca Mastrantonio, a project manager at Enel (the company operates a nuclear power plant in Slovakia) said: “We believe that the technologies chosen for the construction of the Belarusian nuclear power plant are the most advanced ones and represent an optimal combination of security systems”.

The international seminar “Sharing best practices in NPP commissioning” has been taking place in Belarus since 14 April. Taking part in the event are experts of the World Association of Nuclear Operators from eight countries, including Russia, Ukraine, the United States, France, Slovakia and Iran. The experts discussed topical issues on the Belarusian NPP operation, as well as development and improvement of the quality management system, quality control while manufacturing and installing reactors, technical solutions, personnel training. The seminar is held upon the initiative of the Moscow regional center of WANO and with the assistance of the Energy Ministry of Belarus and the Belarusian nuclear power plant.

The World Association of Nuclear Operators formally came into being in 1989 during an inaugural meeting in Moscow. The organization is based in London with regional centers in Moscow, Atlanta, Tokyo and Paris. With over 130 members across the globe, WANO supports the nuclear industry in its efforts to achieve the best possible safety standards.

The participants of the session in Ostrovets decided to give the BelNPP annual and prospective action plans so that its personnel will be able to study the best practices of the WANO members.