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Close attention paid to nuclear power plant safety in Belarus

The safety of the Belarusian nuclear power plant depends on every person involved in building it, BelTA learned from Belarusian Deputy Energy Minister Mikhail Mikhadyuk.

“The safety of a nuclear power plant is a broad notion. It relies on the technological solutions made by the designer and on every bricklayer and welding operator. Any poor-quality welding seam can lead to violations of the technology,” explained Mikhail Mikhadyuk.

In his words, the safety of the construction of the nuclear power plant in Belarus is constantly monitored. “A special interagency working group has been created. It unites representatives of all the regulatory agencies. Matters of quality and safety are discussed at every session,” stated the official.

Mikhail Mikhadyuk reminded that IAEA Deputy Director General Denis Flory visited the construction site of the Belarusian nuclear power plant in early December 2014. “Mr Flory spoke highly of what he saw,” noted the Belarusian Deputy Energy Minister. He went on saying that he was proud of the nuclear power plant and of the fact that Belarusian specialists are building it. However, the main work has yet to be done. “Apart from erecting the edifice and structural units with quality in mind it is necessary to correctly install and tune the equipment, perform startup and commissioning,” stated Mikhail Mikhadyuk.