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Comprehensive inspection at BelNPP finds no safety violations

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MINSK, 14 February (BelTA) – No safety violations were identified during a comprehensive inspection at the Belarusian nuclear power plant, BelTA learned from the Nuclear and Radiation Safety Department of the Belarusian Emergencies Ministry (Gosatomnadzor).

“The comprehensive inspection has not identified any major violations affecting the level of nuclear and radiation safety,” Gosatomnadzor said.

Twenty-six entities were audited during the inspection, including the state-run company Belarusian Nuclear Power Plant (the customer) and ASE Engineering Company (the general contractor).

The inspection showed that the documentation related to the management and quality control systems of these organizations is in line with the legislation, including Belarus' technical legal acts. At the same time, the violations found by the oversight authorities demonstrate that the work should continue to improve the procedures within the framework of these systems and advance interaction between the customer and general contractor.

The comprehensive inspection took place from 27 November to 27 December 2017. It was supposed to verify that operations at the construction site of the Belarusian nuclear power plant are compliant with legislation. Taking part in the inspection were representatives of oversight authorities: Gosatomnadzor, Gospromnadzor, the Grodno Oblast Office of the Emergencies Ministry, the Healthcare Ministry, the Natural Resources and Enviornmental Protection Ministry, the Interior Ministry, and a special inspection of the Construction Inspection and Surveillance Department of the State Standardization Committee.

An expert of the EU Delegation to Belarus was involved in the inspection to provide consultative assistance. The consultations are meant to improve the oversight measures related to the assessment of management and quality control systems basing on European practices.
