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Concrete poured into first tier of internal protective shell of Belarusian nuclear station’s first power unit

Concrete has been poured into the first tier of the internal protective shell of the reactor building of the first power-generating unit of the Belarusian nuclear power plant from the mark 1.25 meters below the sea level to the mark 6.75 meters above the sea level, the press service of AO NIAEP – ZAO Atomstroyexport told BelTA.

The concrete-enveloped tier is 8 meters high, with roughly 1,500m3 of concrete poured into it. The operation has been carried out by the Russian company OOO Trest Rossem.

According to Yuri Pustovoi, Director for Construction of the Belarusian nuclear power plant, director of the representative office of AO NIAEP in the Republic of Belarus, the concreting of the first tier of the internal protective shell is an important part of the work accomplished in 2014. Its completion will allow installing the consequent tiers of the internal protective shell. Plans have been made to start the work soon.

The internal protective shell that will be crowned by a dome at the top is one of the main elements in the system of safeguards and localization. The double protective shell of the reactor building rules out the leak of radioactive substances into the environment and serves as physical protection against natural and man-caused impacts, including earthquakes, hurricanes, and falling aircraft.

The merged company AO NIAEP – ZAO ASE is one of the leaders in the global nuclear power engineering industry and accounts for 31% of the global market of nuclear power plant construction services. In October 2014 the company was chosen to be the exclusive executive body of OAO Atomenergoproject. The company has representative offices and operation offices in 15 countries across the globe, with foreign projects accounting for nearly 80% of the order portfolio. The company is the developer and works hard to introduce the innovative system Multi-D, which is designed to manage the construction of complicated engineering installations. The system allows more effectively managing such parameters as budget, deadlines, and quality. The company is run by Valery Igorevich Limarenko, Doctor of Economics.